Bullying Prevention and Awareness
We understand that as children grow they are learning to develop their social skills with both peers and adults. Occasionally, children do not handle situations as we would hope. At Emily Carr we work proactively with students to develop these important social skills.
To support children and build their capacity to handle different situations we have instituted the WITS program. The WITS program is a strategy based program designed to build student social skills to deal positively when they encounter situations that are "bothering them". WITS is an acronym for strategies (Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, Seek help). To learn more about WITS visit the website.
When students encounter conflict we work with students to help problem solve through the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) model. CPS is a model that sets forth two major tenets: first, that these challenges are best understood as the byproduct of lagging thinking skills (rather than, for example, as attention-seeking, manipulative, limit-testing, or a sign of poor motivation); and second, that these challenges are best addressed by teaching children the skills they lack (rather than through reward and punishment programs and intensive imposition of adult will). To learn more about CPS visit the website.