New Student Registration
If you are not sure if EMILY CARR PUBLIC SCHOOL is the school your student should attend, you can enter your address into the Halton District School Board School Locator from the HDSB website, or click this link.
To register a new student:
Notify your current school that you are leaving (if applicable).
Fill out a Student Registration Form. You can download a copy here.
Complete the Parent-Kindergarten Questionnaire (if applicable). You can download a copy here.
You will need to provide ALL of the following information before you can register your child for school: (only original documents will be accepted.)
Proof of child's age - original birth certificate or passport
Two (2) Proofs of address - copy of offer to purchase or lease agreement or copy of your most current property tax bill
Proof of custody - if you are not the child’s parent and the child is under 18, or if the child is living with only one parent -- you must provide proof of custody
Proof of child’s citizenship - Birth Certificate, Passport, or Permanent Resident card.
Any copies of current school records, or reports that may assist the school in program/placement of your child.
If you have any questions regarding immunization, please call the Halton Regional Health Department at (905) 825-6060 ext. 7855:
Student personal information is collected during registration and while attending school pursuant to the Education Act. This information will be used for planning and programming, school to home communications, and to establish the Ontario Student Record, which contains information conducive to the improvement of instruction. Questions about the information collected during registration and while attending school should be directed to the Halton District School Board office or your local Superintendent of Education.